8 Insurance Claims That Increase In The Fall

As the seasons change, so do the types of claims that insurance companies see.  Falling leaves create a skidding hazard for drivers, deer never look both ways before crossing a road and drivers in a hurry sometimes decide to rush off before their windshields and rear windows are fully defrosted.

The following are 8 claims that increase during the fall and early winter.

  1. Animal collisions. As I’ve indicated before, most wildlife related accidents occur between October and December.  As food becomes scarcer, deer no longer confine themselves to country areas.  Hitting a large animal can be just as dangerous as hitting another car, so always be sure to wear your seatbelt.
  2. Rear-end collisions. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, (NTSB), there are approximately 1.7 million rear-end collisions in the U.S.A. each year.  87% of them are attributed to drivers who are not paying attention.  It’s important to put down the phone, stop adjusting the radio, back up safely and check your mirrors and windows multiple times for oncoming cars.
  3. Parking lot claims. With the holidays quickly approaching, shoppers go to the mall and shopping centers in greater numbers.  This of course means more drivers and an increase in parking lot related claims.  Damage from shopping carts, car theft and tight parking spaces are just a few of the hazards.
  4. Snow and ice. 34% of all skidding and snow claims occur between October and December.  Before the cold weather hits, check your tires to make sure they are properly inflated and decrease speeds on wet, icy or leaf covered roads.  Also make sure your gas tank remains at least half full and check your battery, windshield wipers, anti-freeze and wiper fluid levels.  It’s also a good idea to have a shovel, blankets, water and some non-perishable snacks in the car in case you break down.
  5. Auto thefts. Cars full of gifts and other items can be tempting to thieves.  Make sure to take some preventive actions to reduce the chances that you’ll be a victim of auto theft.  Make sure your doors are locked and windows closed when you leave the vehicle and don’t leave packages, briefcases or electronics visible in your car.
  6. Home thefts. Home robberies increase by 7% in the summer, but jump by 25% between October and December.  Smart homeowners keep lights on a timer and use motion detectors for outdoor lights.  There are many home apps now that allow owners to monitor remotely who is coming and going around your home.
  7. Fire and smoke. Just like summer means more grill related fires, in the fall more time is spent indoors and fireplaces, woodstoves and candles become the culprit.  More than 2,500 people lose their lives in house fires each year, with another 12,600 injured.  Property losses from these fires total more than $7.3 billion annually.  To reduce the likelihood of fire, make sure the flue is open before starting a fire.  Inspect your chimney annually and clean it as needed.  Don’t leave candles lit in unoccupied rooms and don’t overload electrical outlets with appliances and decorations.
  8. Water damage and freezing claims. Water damage is the most common type of loss reported.  Freezing pipes and water damage account for 20% of all claims in the 4th quarter of each year.  Burst pipes, dishwashers, water heaters, and toilet valves are the most frequent sources of water damage.

Talk to your Independent Insurance Agent.  They will be more than happy to review your policy and make sure you have the right coverage in the event of any loss.

Tags: Connors Agency, Connors Group, Auto Theft, Fall Insurance, Fire Insurance, Home Theft, Insurance, Snow and Ice
