Coverage for Students Away at School

A common question we field at this time of the year is, “Does our Homeowners Policy cover our son or daughter while away at College?”

A student younger than 24 who is your relative, enrolled in school full time and was a resident of your household before leaving to attend school is considered an insured.  The Homeowners Policy states the limit of liability for personal property usually located at an insured’s residence, other than the residence premises, is 10% of the limit of your personal property coverage.  

Theft of property located at school is also covered; however all of the normal personal property policy limitations will apply.  These limitations are called Special Limits of Liability and limit coverage to specific amounts of property, such as money and jewelry.  Some Insurance carriers also have a special limit for computers and laptops.  Make sure to contact your Independent Insurance Agent to make sure your students have the proper coverage

Students away at school are also covered for Bodily Injury or Property Damage they cause to others if they are held legally liable.  Included is the liability a student may have for a hazardous condition in their dorm room, since the dorm is automatically covered as premises not owned by an insured, but where an insured is temporarily residing.

Kevin Connors is a Certified Insurance Counselor and Licensed Property/Casualty and Life Insurance Agent with The Connors Insurance Agency in Mechanicville, NY.  Mr. Connors can be reached at (518)664-7307 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tags: Connors Agency, college, back to school
