"An insurance policy may have a good price, but poor value."

- John H. Connors

COVID-19 Update

As we continue to closely monitor the ongoing developments of the coronavirus, please be advised that our primary focus will be on the safety and well-being of our employees, our customers in the community as a whole.
In our 65 years of business, we have never closed our doors to our customers or the public. But as the situation continues to evolve, we feel that we must take certain measures to minimize the impact on our business so that we can keep our strong commitment to our customers while still ensuring the safety of our employees.
Effective immediately, The Connors Agency will self quarantine our building until further notice. And although the building will be locked down during normal business hours, you can still drop off payments in correspondence by leaving them in the mailboxes located at the front or the rear entrance of our building and ringing the bell to alert us.
You will also be able to contact us by calling our office at 518-664-7307, going to our website, www.connorsgroup.com or by emailing any of our employees.
Updates on the length of our closing will follow. All of us at The Connors Agency thank you for understanding our position, and for your continued courtesy and consideration, as we try to get through this difficult time.
Thank you,
Kevin Connors and Maureen Culligan

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