"An insurance policy may have a good price, but poor value."

- John H. Connors

Call Before You Dig

What is 811?

Are you a homeowner or contractor? Did you know that you are required to call the number ‘811’ before digging on any property so that you can be made aware of any underground lines (e.g. pipes, cables and associated utilities) buried in the area? Improper digging can lead to damage to underground lines that can disrupt service to an entire neighborhood, harm diggers or excavators, and even incur potential fines and repair costs.

In case you did not know, 811 is the national "Call Before You Dig" phone number designated by the Federal Communications Commission. This number was developed to eliminate the confusion of multiple "Call Before You Dig" numbers because it is easy to use, is the same for every state, and can help protect anyone who does dig from injury, expense and potential penalties.

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Bus Trip To Boston

Please help support the Mechanicville/Stillwater Breast Cancer Walk and book a seat asap by calling Sharon!

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Is a Career Change the Right Move? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

We spend nearly a quarter of our adult lives at work, so it’s perfectly reasonable to seek out a career path that helps you feel happy and fulfilled. But what does a “good” career truly mean, and how can you know if it’s time to search for a better one? If you’re finding yourself in a rut or wondering what may be on the other side of the fence, ask yourself the following questions.

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Staying Safe in Work Zone Traffic

Roadwork can be frustrating, but it is a necessary fact of life for all drivers, whether you drive for a living, commute on a regular basis or run the occasional errand.

Delays and frustrations brought on by traffic jams caused by roadwork can make even the calmest person impatient. And that can be dangerous in a work zone: In 2014, auto accidents in work zones resulted in 669 fatalities and about 30,500 injuries.1

Driving in work zones does not have to be a stressful experience, though. Being mindful of those around you—both workers and other vehicles—can increase the safety of everyone on the road.

If your driving route includes work zones, here are a few things to keep in mind to help promote maximum safety and minimum stress. When entering a work zone:

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Check Out These 7 Ways To Get Your Staycation Started!

Summertime is near and the desire to take a vacation is probably here, too. The question is, how do you enjoy some time away from it all when funds are limited? Chances are you don’t have to venture far from your hometown to have a vacation to remember.

Here are seven staycation ideas to help you save those vacation dollars and still create memories this summer:

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