How to Get Fresh Air When You Live in a Small Space

Living in a small space can feel limiting when it comes to enjoying the great outdoors and the health benefits that go with it. Here are five tips for getting fresh air and enjoying the outside world even when you live in a small space:
Open the windows
Whenever the weather permits, open up those windows! Having fresh air in your space will not only help you air out your living quarters but may also help you feel rejuvenated and give you more energy. Fresh air is also good for your health. The more fresh air we get, the more oxygen our body receives. This can have positive benefits on your blood pressure, heart rate, digestive system and immune system. So open those windows up whenever you can!
Make room for a tiny garden
Even if you don’t have a huge yard (or perhaps a yard at all), there are still ways to try out your green thumb and enjoy gardening. If you have a small porch, patio, terrace or balcony, consider planting different flowers or vegetables in large pots. Potted plants are easier to maintain than a full-fledged garden and are well-suited to limited time and space. If you do not have an outdoor area, consider keeping a small herb garden inside your home on the window sill. Plant some of your favorite cooking herbs (basil, rosemary, thyme, etc) in small pots and watch them grow.
Keep air-cleaning plants
Plants are a wonderful thing. Not only are they great for your interior design aesthetic, but some plants can actually help purify the air that you’re breathing. This is especially useful when you live in a small space and are constantly breathing in re-circulated air. Look for plants at your local nursery or home improvement store that are marked as air purifiers. Some of these plants include peace lilies, spider plants and common ivy.
Get an air purifier
When you live in a small space, keeping your available air clean is a top priority. Air purifiers are a great way to keep the circulating air in your home clean and fresh. They can be especially handy if you suffer from environmental allergies as they remove dust and allergens from the air.
Go for a walk, regardless of the weather
While we all wish it was 75 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny every day of the year, the reality is that snow, rain and cold happen. Don’t let that deter you, though! Getting outside all year round is the perfect way to get fresh air and also give a boost to both your mental and physical health. Walking is a great way to get outside and get exercise at the same time. It can also be a great way to exercise your pets and - when accompanied by a friend - get some social time in as well.
Beyond taking a walk, there are plenty of other ways to get fresh air by getting outside. Click on the button below for more inspiration on ways to stay busy while spending time in the great outdoors.