"An insurance policy may have a good price, but poor value."

- John H. Connors

7 Tips For Keeping Your Pets Safe On Halloween

Halloween is a great time for kids of all ages to dress up as the character they would most like to be and ring doorbells for treats.

But the holiday isn’t always fun for pets. They may become overly excited by the continually ringing doorbell, and anxious because the visitors aren’t coming inside. Friendly dogs may want to greet every visitor, frightening children who aren’t used to dogs, and cats may sneak out the door when you’re not looking.

As a responsible pet owner, you can take action to maintain a fun Halloween for your pets and trick-or-treaters who may be at your door. Here are seven things you can do to keep your pet safe on Halloween:

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8 Insurance Claims That Increase In The Fall

As the seasons change, so do the types of claims that insurance companies see.  Falling leaves create a skidding hazard for drivers, deer never look both ways before crossing a road and drivers in a hurry sometimes decide to rush off before their windshields and rear windows are fully defrosted.

The following are 8 claims that increase during the fall and early winter.

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Jack Connors Honored

Last Thursday night our founder Jack Connors was honored at the annual Mechanicville/Stillwater Economic Summit. We couldn’t be more proud of someone who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people remain safe and secure. It’s an honor and a privilege to continue to build on the legacy and foundation you’ve created.

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Isn’t snow great?  Especially when we have to get up an hour earlier to shovel the sidewalk or plow the driveway.  Then, it’s something we have to deal with.  And part of what we have to deal with, whether you know it or not, is insurance.

Do you need insurance for your snow blower, or your snow plow?  Like so many questions of insurance, the answer is, “it depends.”

It depends on whether your snow blower or plow is used in business or strictly personal.  For personal use only, insurance is a non-issue.  If you use your snow blower just to clear your own driveway, you do not need additional coverage.  Even if you clear your neighbor’s sidewalk, that’s no problem.  If you happen do ding their mailbox or bump into their house, your homeowners policy will extend to cover that.  The same goes with snow plows.  If you’re being a good neighbor and plowing out the driveway across the street, your auto policy will cover the damage.

The situation, however, changes dramatically as soon as money enters the picture.  When you accept payment for your snow clearing services, you open yourself to a whole range of liabilities.  Insurance is definitely an issue in this case.  You need to purchase a contractors liability policy.  Even if you’re just doing neighborhood driveways for $30 each and you have your customers sign a liability waiver, insurance is highly advisable.

Not all waivers are enforceable to bar a person from seeking restitution for perceived damages.  Also, whether or not you’re in the right, court costs and lawyer fees can accrue.

Play it safe.  If snow removal turns into a business, make insurance one of the first things you consider.  If you need to talk insurance for snow equipment or anything else, make sure to call you Independent Insurance Agent.  We’re always glad to walk you through any coverage issues and to make sure your policies offer all the protection you need.

Kevin Connors is a Certified Insurance Counselor and licensed Property/Casualty and Life Insurance Agent with The Connors Insurance Agency in Mechanicville, NY. Mr. Connors can be reached at (518)664-7307 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Money-Saving Tip: Increasing your home’s security can translate to possible discounts on your homeowners insurance. Call us to find out what safety items, such as alarm systems, would qualify you for a discount!

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