"An insurance policy may have a good price, but poor value."

- John H. Connors

10 Tips to Reduce Distracted Driving

More than 40,000 Americans died on the roads in 2016, the most significant increase in deaths over a two-year period in more than 50 years.1 Whether someone you love has been known to text and drive, or you have found yourself distracted behind the wheel, these tips can help avoid dangerous activity on the road.

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The Science of Gas Grill Fires

At laid-back barbecues and neighborhood gatherings across the country, the grill has become a popular fixture. While grills may be a convenient way to cook, they still require regular maintenance. Nearly 9,000 fires a year, on average, involve grilling.

Five out of six of these reported fires involved gas-fueled grills.1 So what causes a gas grill to catch on fire? We’ll take a look at three of the leading causes, and explore the science behind gas grill fires.

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8 Ways To Remove Stress From The Home-Buying Process

Buying a home starts out as exciting, but often ends up being stressful. It’s not just the dizzying array of legal and financial details to be sorted out—it’s the fact that much of the home-buying process takes place under the pressure of a deadline.

Once you and the seller sign a purchase agreement, the clock starts ticking on getting everything lined up in time to close the deal. Here are steps that walk you through how to buy a house.

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Electric Cars and Hybrid Cars: Pros and Cons

Electric and hybrid cars are becoming more mainstream as many consumers look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and avoid the unpredictability of rising gasoline prices at the pump. If you’re wondering if you should be considering an electric vehicle (EV) or a hybrid car for your next car purchase, you may want to weigh the pros and cons of buying a car that’s not your traditional vehicle.

Here’s a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles.

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Long Road Trip Safety Tips

'Tis the season for vacations, and what better way to spend time together and bond as a family than by taking a road trip? If you’re planning on getting behind the wheel this vacation season, here are eight tips to remember during those long drives, so you reach your destination safe and sound.

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